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Faltblatt zum Plan Lumière der Stadt Zürich, 2008:
Lichtblicke für eine ökologische Stadtbeleuchung (pdf)

Schattenseiten des Lichts, Grünzeit 2007 (pdf)

Hier ein Merkblatt, mit einer Checkliste zur Beurteilung einer Beleuchtungseinrichtung im Vollzug:
Umweltfachstellen der Zentralschweiz, 2008: link oder als pdf


Wir ergänzen hier einige Aktualisierungen des Grundlagenberichtes:

Neuauflage des englisch-sprachigen, umfassenden Werkes von Catherine Rich & Travis Longcore. 2013.
Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting, Island Press (amazon link)

Hölker F, Wolter C, Perkin EK, Tockner K. 2010. Light pollution as a biodiversity threat. Trends in ecology & evolution 25(12): 681-682.

update vom 11. November 2010.

Hölker F, Wolter C, Perkin EK, Tockner K. 2010. Light pollution as a biodiversity threat. Trends in ecology & evolution 25(12): 681-682.

update vom 22. Juni 2009.

Stone, EL, Jones, G & Harris, S, 2009. Street Lighting Disturbs Commuting Bats. Current Biology, 19: 1–5.

Kloog, I., Haim, A., Stevens, R.G, Portnov, B.A. (2009). Global co-distribution of light at night (LAN) and cancers of prostate, colon and lung in men. Chronobiology International, 26(1): 108–125.

update vom 6. Dezember 2008.

Kloog, I., Haim, A., Stevens, R.G., Barchana, M. & Portnov, B.A. (2008) Light at night co-distributes with incident breast but not lung cancer in the female population of Israel. Chronobiology International, 25(1), 65-81.

Kolstad, H.A. (2008) Nightshift work and risk of breast cancer and other cancers - a critical review of the epiderniologic evidence. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health, 34(1), 5-22.

Literaturliste zum Grundlagenbericht, Stand 2007

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Anonymous (1999): Halibut. VIRTUE Newsletter: Curriculum. UMBI University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute. http://int.nml.uib.no/virtue/newsletter/00_09/curr-holm/more-info/halibut.php (21. Okt. 05)

Aupinel, P., Bonnet, J. C. (1996): Influence de la photopériode sur l'activité saisonnière de l'escargot petit-gris (helix aspersa Müller). Effet spécifique sur la croissance et la reproduction. INRA Production Animales 9(1): 79-83.

Avery, M. , Springer, P. F., Cassel, J. F. (1976): The effects of a tall tower on nocturnal bird migration - A portable ceilometer study. Auk 93: 281-291.

Beck, A. (2005): Aargauer Beispiele zur Problematik Fledermäuse / Licht. Zusammenstellung des Kantonalen Fledermausschutz-Beauftragten des Kantons Aargau.

Beier, P. (1995): Dispersal of juvenile cougars in fragmented habitat. Journal of Wildlife Management 59(2): 228-237.

Bergen, F., Abs, M. (1997): Etho-ecological study of the singing activity of the blue tit (Parus caeruleus), great tit (Parus major) and chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). J. Ornithol. 138: 451-67.

Bird, B., Branch, L. C., Miller, D. L. (2004): Effects of coastal lighting on foraging behavior of beach mice. Conservation Biology 18(5): 1435-1439.

Blake, D., Hutson, A. M. et al. (1994): Use of lamplit roads by foraging bats in southern England. Journal of Zoology 234(3): 453-462.

Briggs, W. R. (2002): Plant photoreceptors: proteins that perceive information vital for plant development from the light environment (abstract). The Urban Wildlands Group and Ecological consequenses of artificial night lighting (conference). http://www.urbanwildlands.org/abstracts.html (21. Okt. 05)

Britschgi, A., Theiler, A., Bontadina, F. (2004): Wirkungskontrolle von Verbindungsstrukturen, "Heckenexperiment". SWILD, Zürich. Teilbericht im Auftrag der DEGES, Berlin.

Bruderer, B., Jenni, L. (1988): Vogelzug. Schweizerische Vogelwarte Sempach. 40 p.

Bruderer, B., Liechti, F. (2004): Welcher Anteil ziehender Vögel fliegt im Höhenbereich von Windturbinen. Ornithol. Beob. 101: 327-335.

Bruderer, B., Peter, D. et al. (1999): Behaviour of migrating birds exposed to X-band radar and a bright light beam. Journal of Experimental Biology 202(9):1015-1022.

Bruijs, M.C.M., Hadderingh, R.H., Jenner, H.A. (2002): Deflecting eels from water intakes with light. Measuring Behavior: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research. http://www.noldus.com/events/mb2002/program/abstracts/bruijs.html (21. Okt. 05)

Buchanan, B. W. (2002): Observed and potential effects of artificial light on the behavior, ecology, and evolution of nocturnal frogs (abstract). The Urban Wildlands Group and Ecological consequenses of artificial night lighting (conference). http://www.urbanwildlands.org/abstracts.html (21. Okt. 05)

Buchanan, B. W. (1993): Effects of enhanced lighting on the behaviour of nocturnal frogs. Animal Behaviour 45(5): 893-899.

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California Coastal Commission (2003): Staff report: Material amendment. http://www.coastal.ca.gov/lb/5-00-384.pdf (21. Okt. 05)

Chemineau, P., Malpaux, B., Pelletiet, J., Leboeuf, B., Delgadillo, J.A., Deletang, F., Pobel, T., Brice, G. (1996): Emploi des implants de mélatonine et des traitements photopériodiques pour maîtriser la reproduction saisonnière chez les ovins et les caprins. INRA Production Animales 9(1): 45-60.

Cochran, W. , Graber, R. (1958): Attraction of nocturnal migrants by lights on a television tower. Wilson Bulletin 70: 378-380.

Contor, C. R., Griffith, J. S. (1995): Nocturnal emergence of juvenile rainbow trout from winter concealment relative to light intensity. Hydrobiologia 299(3):179-183.

Cullen, P. , McCarthy, T. K. (2000): The effects of artificial light on the distribution of catches of Silver eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), across the Killaloe eel weir in the lower River Shannon. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 100b (3): 165-169.

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Davis, S. (2003): Die innere Uhr von Pflanzen. Tätigkeitsbericht 2003, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

De Molenaar, J. G., Jonkers, D. A., Sanders, M. E. (2002): Road illumination and black-tailed godwit (abstract). The Urban Wildlands Group and Ecological consequenses of artificial night lighting (conference). http://www.urbanwildlands.org/abstracts.html (21. Okt. 05)

De Reviers, M. (1996): Photopériodisme, développement testiculaire et production de spermatozoïdes chez les oiseaux domestiques. INRA Production Animales 9(1): 35-44.

Derrickson, K. C. (1988): Variation in repertoire presentation in northern mockingbirds. Condor 90: 592-606.

Eisenbeis, G. (2002): Artificial night lighting and insects in Germany (abstract). The Urban Wildlands Group and Ecological consequenses of artificial night lighting (conference). http://www.urbanwildlands.org/abstracts.html (21. Okt. 05)

Eisenbeis, G., Hassel, F. (2000): Attraction of nocturnal insects to street lights - a study of municipal lighting systems in a rural area of Rheinhessen (Germany). Natur und Landschaft 75(4): 145-156.

EWZ (2001): Licht für Zürich. Die öffentliche Beleuchtung. EWZ, Stadt Zürich, Departement der Industriellen Betriebe.

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Foster, R. G. , Wulff, K. (2005): The rhythm of rest and excess. Nature Reviews, Neuroscience 6: 407-414.

Frank, K. D. (1988): Impact of outdoor lighting on moths: An assessment. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 42(2): 63-93.

Frank, K. D. (2002): Impact of artificial lighting on moths (abstract). The Urban Wildlands Group and Ecological consequenses of artificial night lighting (conference). http://www.urbanwildlands.org/abstracts.html (21. Okt. 05)

Gauthreaux, S. Jr., Belser, C. G. (2002): The behavioral responses of migrating birds to different lighting systems on tall towers (abstract). The Urban Wildlands Group and Ecological consequenses of artificial night lighting (conference). http://www.urbanwildlands.org/abstracts.html (21. Okt. 05)

Gorenzel, W. P., Salmon, T. P. (1995): Characteristics of American Crow urban roosts in California. Journal of Wildlife Management 59(4): 638-645.

Gotthard, K. (2000): Increased risk of predation as a cost of high growth rate: An experimental test in a butterfly. Journal of Animal Ecology 69(5): 896-902.

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Klaus, G. (2005): Empfehlung zur Vermeidung von Lichtemissionen. Ausmass, Ursachen und Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt. Vollzug Umwelt. Herausgegeben vom Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft BUWAL.

Kobler, R. L. (2003): Die Lichtverschmutzung in der Schweiz. Mögliche Auswirkungen und praktische Lösungsansätze. Diplomarbeit. FHBB, Fachhochschule beider Basel, 43 p.

Kolligs, D. (2000): Ecological effects of artificial light sources on nocturnally active insects, in particular on butterflies (Lepidoptera). Faunistisch-Oekologische Mitteilungen Supplement 28: 1-136.

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Krättli, H., SSF (2005): Fassaden-Beleuchtungen: eine Bedrohung für Fledermäuse? Fledermaus-Anzeiger FMAZ 80: 10-11.

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Lloyd, J. E. (2002): Stray light, fireflies, and fireflyers (abstract). The Urban Wildlands Group and Ecological consequenses of artificial night lighting (conference). http://www.urbanwildlands.org/abstracts.html (21. Okt. 05)

Lloyd, J. E. (1994): Where are the lightningbugs? Fireflyer Companion 1: p. 1, 2, 5, 10. http://firefly.ifas.ufl.edu/ffcomp1-1.pdf (21. Okt. 05)

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Longcore, T., Rich, C. (2001): A review of the ecological effects of road reconfiguration and expansion on coastal wetland ecosystem. The Urban Wildlands Group, Los Angeles. http://www.urbanwildlands.org/Resources/lightnoiseroads.pdf (3. Nov. 06)

Longcore, T., Rich, C. (2004): Ecological light pollution. Front Ecol Environ 2(4): 191-198.

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Moore, M. V., Kohler, S. J. (2002): Measuring light pollution in urban lakes and its effects on lake invertebrates (abstract). The Urban Wildlands Group and Ecological consequenses of artificial night lighting (conference). http://www.urbanwildlands.org/abstracts.html (21. Okt. 05)

Moore, M. V., Pierce, S. M., Walsh, H. M., Kvalvik, S. K., Lim, J. D. (2000): Urban light pollution alters the diel vertical migration of Daphnia. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. Stuttgart, 27: 1-4.

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Rich, C., Longcore, T. (2006): Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting. Island Press, Washington. 329 p. ISBN: 1-55963-129-5.

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Therese Hotz & Fabio Bontadina, 2007. Ökologische Auswirkungen künstlicher Beleuchtung.
Bericht von SWILD als Grundlage für Grün Stadt Zürich > und Amt für Städtebau >, Zürich. 78 Seiten.
[ Den Bericht bei Grün Stadt Zürich bestellen, eine PDF Kopie bei SWILD bestellen ]

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